16 magical wishes for YOU in the New Year!

Birch trees in winter symbolize new beginnings. © Given Photography 2018

It's a wonderful transitional time of year. A year-end that is filled with love and warmth, solace and spirit, merry and holly. And a new year that promises fresh starts, renewals, and a lot of uncertainty. 

Sometimes you need the perfect wise counsel to help you move into the New Year with ease and grace. Words that shift your perception, get you unstuck or release some worrisome thoughts. Below are some of my favorite wise words in no particular order. 

I hope as you ponder these, you'll find one or two or maybe even three concepts that resonate with you, giving you a great start to 2017! 

These are tried and true and my heart-felt wishes for you. 

  1. You know, without a doubt, that everyday is like a fresh new palette for you to create whatever you want.

  2. You always make choices from your heart, for your highest good.

  3. You know that true empowerment is when you don't need anyone to change her/his behavior to make you feel better.

  4. You are living a life of adventure that is driven by curiosity.

  5. You always find inspiration in nature.

  6. You listen to your body.

  7. You don't judge, just observe.

  8. You begin each morning from a place of peace and self-love.

  9. You live life in a light-hearted way.

  10. You see new opportunity everyday.

  11. Your day is never mundane, always joyful.

  12. You feel nature's vibrant and healing energy every day.

  13. You live in the moment.

  14. You know that your life journey is more about traveling down the road of excellence than getting to the destination.

  15. You live your life in gratitude for all things big and small.

  16. You know that just because you think it, doesn't make it true.

What are your words of wisdom? Do any of these resonate with you? Tell us! That's where the real conversation starts. And we love sharing, so if you feel so inclined, share this article with your friends with the button below.

Wishing you a joyful and abundant 2017!

Love and peace to all -Becci

P.S. For all of you who love to walk, we've got an Urban Nature walk planned for January 21, 2017. We'll be exploring Seattle's beautiful Seward park, located along the shores of Lake Washington. It's a great way to get some exercise and meet new people. More details to come. To grab all the details and monthly announcements, sign up in the box to the left of this post.