Five small ways to give your day a big boost

Erythroniium Oregonum. © GIVEN PHOTOGRAPHY 2021

  1. Get some fresh air. It doesn’t have to be about how far you walk or how fast you go. It’s about getting outside and taking some deep cleansing breaths of fresh air for a few minutes.

  2. Actively connect with nature. Be intentional when you are outside. Look for the first signs of spring. Last week along my walk a tiny group of yellow crocus poking their sweet heads up delighted me. Yesterday while checking out my yard I found green sprouts in my deck pots and watched a pair of Bewick wrens as they called and hopped around in our shrubs. Simple, joyful nature connections.

  3. Approach your walk with a sense of adventure, curiosity, and gratitude. Your intention is to discover new things or see old things in a new way. Appreciate everything you notice. In just five minutes you’ll stir up your blahs into some frothy good feelings.

  4. Watch a sunset with reverence. This is not only a lovely and satisfying way to wind up your day, but the joyful experience can give you a nice reset to your day, leading to blissful slumber. Immerse yourself in the beauty of the sky as the sun dips below the horizon. If you time it right, the gorgeous pink, red, orange, and gold colors intensify after the sun has completely set.

  5. Create a habit with nature as your backdrop. Drink your morning coffee or tea outside. End your day with a walk around the neighborhood. Spend Sunday mornings at the local farmer’s market. Do your daily journaling or meditation outside or in front of a big picture window. Building simple positive habits such as these into your week will help you slow down and feel more balanced.

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